Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We're Back In

Sunday night at the hotel, Nate woke up coughing and gagging with a fever. So we went to the ER to see what was going on and they admitted him back into the hospital. They still don't know what's going on, but it's happened two more times, shaking, gagging fever. They give him some drugs and his fever goes down and he's back to normal. They did move the scope up to this morning and everything looks great. However, they are worried about the temp. spikes and are not comfortable sending him home yet. So who knows how long we will be here. I'm ready to break him out tomorrow. Anyway, they are doing some more tests to try to figure out what's wrong with him. Poor Nate.


Woodard Gang said...

so sorry to hear that Nathan is back in the hospital :o( we will continue to lift him and your family up in prayer!

Lisa B. said...

oh man.. i hope they figure it out soon..

Traci said...

Not good news! I chatted with Carla yesterday and she said you guys were coming home that night, so hopefully you did, keep us posted!! Give that Nathan a squeeze from us too!